In case you were wondering…
For some people, natural healthcare and complementary therapies for animals is a whole new experience. And there might be niggling questions in the back of your mind.
Don’t hesitate to drop us a line to talk things through. But, in the meantime, you might find the answer here.

Initial consultations are £40 whilst follow up sessions or routine maintenance treatments are £35. The initial consultations usually last around 75 minutes and will include a full consultation, gait analysis, initial palpation as well as the treatment. Follow up sessions or routine maintenance treatments will last 1 hour and will include a brief follow up consultation and full treatment. The treatment time is always 40 to 50 minutes depending on the size of the dog. If you own multiple dogs and they’re treated at the same session, you’ll receive a 10% discount.
Will there be a call out fee?
We only charge for travel if you’re more than a ten mile round trip from our HQ. When you get in touch, let us know where you live – and we can confirm whether there might be a small extra cost involved.
Can I come to you?
We like to come to you, as home is where your dog will always be most comfortable. However, on occasion this may not be possible, in which case, we may be able to treat your dog at our own home.
Not only are we a proud member of the Canine Massage Guild, a network of highly skilled Professional Clinical Canine Massage Practitioners specialising in soft tissue injuries and orthopaedic issue management, we’re also part of the Federation of Holistic Therapists, the largest and leading professional association for therapists in the UK and Ireland. This means we’re highly trained and know our specialised fields inside out.
Is it safe for my dog to have Clinical Canine Massage?
We offer a very professional Clinical Canine Massage service and respect the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and Exemption Order 2015 by never working on an animal without gaining prior veterinary approval. In simple terms, this means we’ll only massage your dog if your vet considers it appropriate and safe to do so. Some diseases and conditions are contraindicative to massage and we’ll of course advise you of this when you get in touch. You can download our Veterinary Consent form here.
Not all conditions are suited to all therapies and it’s important to think about what therapy might be the most appropriate for your dog and their particular injury or condition. What you can be sure of however is that as a member of the Canine Massage Guild, we only work ‘best practice’. This means in the unlikely event that you don’t see any improvements within just three sessions, your therapist won’t continue to massage your dog and will instead refer you back to your vet for further investigation. However we’re confident that in most cases you’ll see improvements within just one to three massage sessions, and in this case, your therapist will then work with you to devise a personalised maintenance plan for your dog.
It’s very important to us that we work with your dog, and not on your dog. And just like with people, it’s important that we work within your dog’s own limits. And this is where our training in Animal Behaviour comes in handy – we can observe your dog’s behaviour and body language at all times, adjusting techniques and repositioning accordingly so that your dog remains comfortable with the situation throughout. Rest assured, your dog will be in safe hands with us. You’ll probably even find that your dog forms a trusting bond with us, and may even start to get excited to see us arrive in the anticipation of what’s to follow!
Because we know every dog and every situation is different, we’re happy to massage your dog on a massage table or on the floor – we can even bring a luxury memory foam dog bed with us! So whichever they choose, you can rest assured they’ll be more than comfortable!